Sunday, November 15, 2009

...coming to you from INSIDE the Aquatic Center!!!

View toward the big pool

Constructing outside- those are the metal studs to be placed in interior walls

View of warm pool - for lessons/lap swimming

A hallway...

Another picture of the big pool

The warm pool...again

another hallway - I think between the community rooms and playground

Metal stud walls

The outside - stucco and colors to coordinate with BSC decor

again with the orange stucco!!!!

Part of the parking lot and exterior

It's getting on the Aquatic Center is in full swing - once the windows are in, they don't have to bow to Mother Nature anymore!!!! Last winter being HORRIFIC, and after such a rainy summer, it's been hard to get concrete poured and the streets around the aquatic center completed, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel!!!

Here's the scoop:
Outside- the access road on Canary Avenue is done - all asphalted, nice and new!!! The parking lot - essentially to be shared with the Community Bowl - making it AWESOME - has asphalt too! Landscaping and all that nonessential jazz will be completed later.

Inside - concrete for the pool and deck have been poured, the metal studs are in place, most electricity/plumbing work is done, and drywall is being applied in places already!!!

All this in preparation for (cross your fingers) the first swim meet January 2nd - they'll really have to hustle along to hit that date, but mid-January will be another big meet and an opportunity to show off our great new facility!!!

Grand Opening activities (party time!!!) should be happening sometime in February - watch for a fun weekend of swimming, facility tours, wellness center activities, and all sorts of great family stuff to kick off the "new season" of aquatics in Bismarck!!!!